“Serendipity” – the discovery of beauty by coincidence or accident – is a term coined from “Serendib”, the name bequeathed by seafaring Greeks to the Indian Ocean island of Sri Lanka. Two thousand years later, Sri Lanka still offers Serendipity to the traveler – a rare combination of unexpected pleasures. Strikingly beautiful landscapes, unspoiled golden beaches, an abundance of marine and terrestrial wildlife combined with historic temples, gigantic monuments, and a unique culture and exquisite pageantry to make Sri Lanka a matchless tourist destination in the Orient.

The pleasure of touring Sri Lanka is heightened because one doesn’t have to travel great distances to experience the islands’ many attractions. A five -hour journey by road will take the visitor from sunny beaches to the salubrious hills, or from a tropical wild life park to the cool climes of Adam’s Peak.

The serendipitous beauty of Sri Lanka is enhanced and enriched by the warm hospitality of its people. From time immemorial, the sincere smiles and warm charm of Sri Lankans have welcomed visitors from all corners of the globe.

History and legend, monuments and memorials, temples and processions, myth and folk-lore, fable and parable, philosophy and religion, statecraft and the art of war, and morals and the romance of modern Sri Lanka reveal the story of a new nation at crossroads – the death of an old civilization and a new culture struggling to be born.

Official Name :Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
National Anthem :“Sri Lanka Matha”
Capital :Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (Administrative)
Colombo (Commercial)
Official Languages :Sinhalese / Tamil
Recognized Language :English
Ethnic Groups (2012) :74.9% Sinhalese11.2% Sri Lankan Tamils9.2% Sri Lankan Moors4.2% Indian Tamils0.5% Other
Religion :70.2% Buddhism
12.6% Hinduism
9.7% Islam
7.4% Christianity
0.1% Other / None
Demonym :Sri Lanka
Government :
President :
Prime Minister :
Speaker of the Parliament :
Unitary Semi Presidential constitutional Republic
Maithripala Sirisena
Ranil Wickramasinghe
Karu Jayasuriya
Legislature :Parliament
Independence from the United Kingdom :04 February 1948
Area :65,610 km2 (25,330sqmi)
Life Expectancy at Birth :Male 73.1 Years
Female 80.2 Years
Currency :Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR )
Calling Code :+94
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